Lottery hotline 01628 369 216

(Lines open 9am - 5pm Monday - Friday)

Privacy Statement

Concern Worldwide (UK) is committed to protecting your privacy and always endeavours to protect your personal information through compliance with the Data Protection Act 1998, the Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations 2003, the UK General Data Protection Regulation and other relevant laws and regulations.

When you entrust your personal data to us, we go to great lengths to ensure that your personal data is held securely and used only for the purposes which you have agreed to.

To read our full Privacy Statement please visit

Alternatively, you can write to us to request a copy at:

Supporter Care
Concern Worldwide (UK)
47 Frederick Street

Please be assured that we never sell your data and we never share it with another company or charity for their own marketing purposes.

In addition to our full Privacy Statement, the information below is relevant to our lottery services.

How we use your information

In addition to the ways listed in our full Privacy Statement, for the purposes of the lottery services, we may also process your personal information in the following ways:

  • To provide the lottery services (including entry to the draw and communications about your entry) to you and administration of your records.
  • To process transactions between us including the purchase of entries to the draw.
  • To arrange for fulfilment of prizes.

Who we will disclose your personal data to

We will disclose your personal data to law enforcement agencies or regulatory bodies if we are required to do so by law or if we believe that you are involved in any illegal or harmful conduct and consider such action is necessary.

We may employ other companies to provide services for us, including for example, processing of payments. These companies have access to the personal information needed to perform their functions and not for any other purposes and are bound by confidentiality agreements.

Cookies and similar technologies

Our website uses cookies and similar technologies to:

  • provide users with the best possible digital experience
  • improve our website’s functionality and security
  • understand more about who visits the website, where they come from, and how they play the lottery
  • and to assist us in spreading news about Concern’s work through digital marketing activities

Please visit our Cookie Policy to find out more about cookies and similar technologies. You can find a detailed list of all cookies placed on devices via our website, and a list of vendors placing those cookies including links to their privacy statements, in our Cookies Declaration on the cookie policy page.

Manage your cookie preferences.

Other websites

This website may include links to other websites that are outside of our control. We cannot be held responsible for the collection of data on any sites not managed by Concern Worldwide (UK) or CPF, the manager of this website.

Revisions to this Privacy Statement

We reserve the right to make changes to this Privacy Statement from time to time and any changes will be posted on this page without prior notification.


If you have any queries or questions about privacy and/or the security of your personal data, please contact us at

If you have any questions regarding your personal data whilst using this site, please contact us at with Concern Worldwide (UK) Weekly in the subject line.

Management of this website

The data processor of this website is CFP Lottery and Raffles Ltd (company registration number 02596199). Registered office is Suite 1, Beechwood Grove Park, White Waltham, Maidenhead, Berkshire SL6 3LW. CFP is registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office under the registration number Z8972055.